Tuesday, May 14 2024. From 15:00h to 16:00h
Toolbox IDIBAPS Talk Series: Mindfulness for researchers
Esteve Auditorium, Centre Esther Koplowitz. C/Rosselló 149-153, 08036 Barcelona. Theoretical-practical and in-person activity.
On Tuesday, May 14th, at 3 p.m., will take place the session Mindfulness for researchers, led by Iñaki Martín-Subero, Group Leader of Biomedical Epigenomics at IDIBAPS. The session will be introduced by Joaquim Raduà, Group Leader of Imaging of mood and anxiety related disorders at IDIBAPS.
The speaker is an ICREA researcher at IDIBAPS, but also a meditation practitioner for the last 30 years. Alongside his intense research activity, he has been leading workshops on Taoist meditative practices and lucid dreaming for the last 15 years. Additionally, he collaborates in a multidisciplinary mindfulness research program, and is professor in the Master of Mindfulness for Health and Well-being at the University of Barcelona.
In this session, we will address how the pressures associated with research, the need to publish, achieve significant results, job insecurity, and long working hours combine with the issues that may arise in our personal lives. This can lead to high levels of stress. Except perhaps for taking a vacation, spending time with family and friends, exercising, or seeking entertainment to "disconnect," we have no antidotes to reduce chronic stress and research pressure. Meditative practices, or mindfulness, do not seek to disconnect but to "connect," directing the mind towards inner observation instead of always focusing on external activity.
In this theoretical-practical talk, we will learn some very simple meditative practices to develop genuine well-being that flows from within to without. Gradually introducing a meditative routine into our lives will allow us to deal with our daily lives with more creativity, clarity, serenity, and effectiveness, improving our quality of life.
On this occasion, it will be a fully in-person event, so we encourage everyone to participate and come to the CEK auditorium.
This activity is promoted by the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) of the institution and organized to promote the activity of ReMO network – Research Mental Health, an European COST action, in which IDIBAPS collaborates.

Documents of interest
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