Clínic Barcelona

Presentation of the results in chronic pain research funded by La Marató2006

In 2006 La Marató de TV3 gained nearly 7 million Euros to fund 28 biomedical research projects in chronic pain. The progress reached in the understanding of its causes, prevention, diagnosis and treatment, was presented recently as part of the 13th Symposium of La Marató de TV3 Foundation. Some researchers from IDIBAPS - Hospital participated in the 4 discussion tables about chronic pain.

During the event the winners of the 3rd edition of the Award Divulga La Recerca de la Marató de TV3 were announced. This initiative aims to explain to the general public the achievements in scientific chronic pain funded by La Marató 2006 through short audiovisual stories and promote young people's interest in science. One of the winners is dedicated to findings made at IDIBAPS – Hospital Clínic, in a research led by Dr. Manuel Ramos and Dr. Antoni Sisó You can see other videos by accessing the rest of the story.

Dr. Manuel Ramos / Dr. Antoni Sisó

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