The Campus Clínic celebrates its first Open Clínic to promote healthy habits and preventive healthcare
The first Open Clínic will be held on 11 May 2024 and will include over 100 activities.
The first Open Clínic will be held on 11 May 2024 and will include over 100 activities.
The 2.5 million euro Scientific Excellence Grant awarded to the Hospital Clínic and ISGlobal researcher will enable him to carry out an epidemiologic1
Rapid reporting of the results of a microbiological examination for an infection is as important as having rapid diagnostic technologies to detect it.
A new study, conducted on more than 140 samples from 12 infected patients, contributes to a better understanding of the dynamics of disease transmiss1
Active or past infection was detected among 11.2% of the Hospital Clinic staff that participated in the study.
These are the first results of a global clinical trial in which the Hospital Clinic and ISGlobal participate.
The prophylactic and serological studies will be performed on healthcare workers at Hospital Clínic of Barcelona.
The Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) and the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona received the 2019 GEBTA Initiative Award for Trip Doctor, t1
Last Wednesday, the third CRISH edition came to its conclusion. This EIT-Health financed program was led by Hospital Clínic (Joan Escarrabill, MD), I1
The new protocol of the Catalan Public Health Agency will improve disease surveillance and control .