What is Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

Reading time: 2 min

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a chronic disease of unknown cause in which inflammation of the colon and/or small intestine occurs and with periodic outbreaks of symptoms. Includes two entities, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. It usually affects young people, between 20 and 30 years, although it is also diagnosed in older people.

Inflamatory Bowel Disease explained in first person

Professionals and patients explain how you live with the disease
It is very important to be informed about the disease and to maintain communication, as well as cooperate, with the referring physician in order to make shared decisions on the health care of the patient.
Go very relaxed, listen to your body more and do not strain it. Follow the instructions of the doctor.

This chronic disease alternates between symptomatic episodes and periods in which the symptoms disappear after customizing medical treatment.These episodes are very unpredictable because their frequency and severity vary greatly. Nonetheless, 50% of patients present only mild symptoms and most of the time are asymptomatic.

How many people are affected by Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

Inflammatory bowel disease is more prevalent in developed countries and in the Caucasian population. It affects men and women in equal proportions. The disease can appear at any age; however it is most commonly diagnosed in people aged 20 to 30 years, with a second increase in incidence in people aged 50 to 70.

In Spain, it is estimated that 87–110 out of every 100,000 people are affected by IBD.

Substantiated information by:

Ingrid Ordas Jimenez
Marta Gallego Barrero

Published: 20 February 2018
Updated: 4 September 2020

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