Inflamació i reparació en les malalties respiratòries
Publicacions destacades
Lung function trajectories in health and disease
Agusti, Alvar; Faner, Rosa;Referència:Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2019.
After asthma: redefining airways diseases.
Pavord ID; Beasley R; Agusti A; Anderson GP; Bel E;(...)Sly PD; von Mutius E; Wenzel S; Zar HJ; Bush A .Referència:Lancet 2018.
Lung function in early adulthood and health in later life: a transgenerational cohort analysis
Agusti, Alvar; Noell, Guillaume; Brugada, Josep; Faner, Rosa;Referència:Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2017.
Lung cancer diagnosis by trained dogs
Guirao Montes, Angela; Molins Lopez-Rodo, Laureano; Ramon Rodriguez, Ingrid; Sunyer Dequigiovanni, Gemma; Vinolas Segarra, Nuria;Marrades Sicart, Ramon Maria; Hernandez Ferrandez, Jorge; Fibla Alfara, Juan Jose; Agusti Garcia-Navarro, Alvaro;.Referència:European Journal Of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2017.
The EASI model: A first integrative computational approximation to the natural history of COPD
Agusti, Alvar; Compte, Albert; Fener, Rosa; Garcia-Aymerich, Judith; Noell, Guillaume;Cosio, Borja G; Rodriguez-Roisin, Robert; Cell, Bartolome; Maria Anto, Josep.Referència:Plos One 2017.
Assessment of a Combined Panel of Six Serum Tumor Markers for Lung Cancer
Molina R; Marrades RM; Augé JM; Escudero JM; Viñolas N;Reguart N; Ramirez J; Filella X; Molins L; Agustí A .Referència:American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 2016.
Lung-Function Trajectories Leading to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Lange, Peter; Celli, Bartolome; Agusti, Alvar; Jensen, Gorm Boje; Divo, Miguel;(...)Schnohr, Peter; Sood, Akshay; Soriano, Joan B; Tesfaigzi, Yohannes; Vestbo, Jorgen.Referència:New England Journal Of Medicine 2015.
Changes in Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 Second over Time in COPD
Vestbo, Jorgen; Edwards, Lisa D.; Scanlon, Paul D.; Yates, Julie C.; Agusti, Alvar;(...)Miller, Bruce E.; Silverman, Edwin K.; Tal-Singer, Ruth; Wouters, Emiel; Rennard, Stephen I.;ECLIPSE Investigators.Referència:New England Journal Of Medicine 2011.
Susceptibility to Exacerbation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
Hurst, John R.; Vestbo, Jorgen; Anzueto, Antonio; Locantore, Nicholas; Muellerova, Hana;(...)MacNee, William; Calverley, Peter; Rennard, Stephen; Wouters, Emiel F. M.; Wedzicha, Jadwiga A.;Evaluation COPD Longitudinally.Referència:New England Journal Of Medicine 2010.
MECHANISMS OF DISEASE Immunologic Aspects of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Cosio, Manuel G.; Saetta, Marina; Agusti, Alvar;;Referència:New England Journal Of Medicine 2009.